Account and Billing
1. Deposit Funds
Step by step guide
For Cryptocurrency payments
Log in to your account.
Click on "Deposit button" in the header or "Deposit Funds" in the profile section in the upper right corner.
Crypto Payment: Blockchain-Ads accept payments in over 200 different cryptocurrencies, and its using 3rd party payment processor, NowPayments.
Enter the amount to fund your account (minimum deposit: $10,000).
Confirm the transaction by clicking "Deposit".
An invoice will be automatically sent to the email used to create the account after payment is confirmed.
To request an invoice before payment follow the Request Invoice flow.
For Fiat payments
Card Payment: Use Stripe for card payments.
Wire/Bank Transfer: Use the following details to transfer USD:
Account Holder: BlockchainAds Labs LLC
Routing Number: 026073150
Account Number: 8313742795
Address: 89-16 Jamaica Ave, Woodhaven NY 11421, United States
Note: Contact the team for more details if needed.
2. Profile Details
Navigate to the profile section in the upper right corner:
From there you can:
Edit Profile Information
Manage access to your account and invite members
Partner Referral Program
Check your email for confirmation on the above changes
Last updated