Create a Campaign

  1. Log in to your dashboard.

  2. Go to the "Campaigns" section.

  3. Click on "Create New Campaign".

  4. Fill in the campaign details:

    1. Campaign Name: Choose a descriptive name for your campaign.

    2. Objective: Select the objective from the dropdown menu (e.g., brand awareness, conversions).

    3. Target Audience: Define your audience by selecting chain, interests, behaviour, token holding,....etc.

  5. Select ad formats and sizes:

    1. Banner Ads:

    2. Supported formats: JPG, PNG, GIF up to 700kb.

    3. Recommended sizes: 492x328, 900x600.

    4. Aspect Ratios: 3:2, 7:5, 5:7

  6. Set your budget and schedule:

    1. Daily Budget: Enter the amount you want to spend daily (minimum daily spend: $330).

    2. Total Budget: Enter the total amount for the campaign.

    3. Schedule: Choose the start and end dates.

  7. Review your campaign details.

  8. Click "Submit" to launch your campaign.

Last updated