Start Advertising

Help Center

Welcome to the Blockchain-Ads Help Center. Here you will find comprehensive guides and resources to help you effectively use our ad network platform.

Start Advertising

1.Create a Campaign

  • Log in to your dashboard.

  • Go to the "Campaigns" section.

  • Click on "Create New Campaign".

  • Fill in the campaign details:

    1. Campaign Name: Choose a descriptive name for your campaign.

    2. Objective: Select the objective from the dropdown menu (e.g., brand awareness, conversions).

    3. Target Audience: Define your audience by selecting chain, interests, behaviour, token holding,....etc.

  • Select ad formats and sizes:

    1. Banner Ads:

    2. Supported formats: JPG, PNG, GIF up to 700kb.

    3. Recommended sizes: 492x328, 900x600.

    4. Aspect Ratios: 3:2, 7:5, 5:7

  • Set your budget and schedule:

    1. Daily Budget: Enter the amount you want to spend daily (minimum daily spend: $330).

    2. Total Budget: Enter the total amount for the campaign.

    3. Schedule: Choose the start and end dates.

  • Review your campaign details.

  • Click "Submit" to launch your campaign.


Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Log in to your dashboard.

  2. Go to the "Tracking" section.

  3. Click on "Setup Tracking".

  4. Copy the pixel tracking script.

  5. Paste the script into the header of your website’s HTML.

    1. Example: <script> // Your tracking code </script>

  6. Save and publish your website changes.

Setting Up Events:

  1. Define the events you want to track (e.g., page views, button clicks).

  2. Modify the tracking script to include event tracking:

    1. Example: <script> // Event tracking code </script>

  3. Test the events to ensure they are working correctly.

    1. Example: Click on the button and check if the event is recorded.

3.Additional Analytics Integration

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Log in to your dashboard.

  2. Go to the "Analytics" section.

  3. Click on "Connect Google Analytics".

  4. Follow the prompts to authorize and connect your Google Analytics account.

  5. No code is required; the integration is seamless.

  6. Check your Google Analytics account to ensure data is being received.

Last updated